Point system from the statistical analysis of the King of Calisthenics competition
In this post, we wonder how to compare performances of athletes across weight classes.
We consider participants to the season 1 of the King of Weighted Calisthenics competition, an international and internet based event organized by Micha Schulz.
During this weighted calisthenics competition,
each participant had to get their weighted equipment and record their 1RM
One-repetition maximum: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-repetition_maximum attempts for dips, pull-ups and squats according to some specified rules (especially regarding the range of motion).
Using the work done by the International Powerlifting Association, we compute a formula similar to their IPF GL that allows to rank all participating athletes according to a point system.
The total mass lifted by a participant is the sum of all its three lifts,
\[\text{total lifted mass} = \text{dip} + \text{squat} + \text{pull-up},\]and it mainly increases with the weight class, i.e., the heavier the athletes, the heavier they can lift.
On the other hand, the relative total lifted mass,
\[\text{relative total lifted mass} = \frac{\text{dip} + \text{squat} + \text{pull-up}}{\text{bodyweight}},\]is said to systematically favor lighter athletes
So, how do we compute a (as good as possible) point system?
We use an approach that we deem similar to the IPF one. The number of points of an athlete will be of the form
\[\text{points} = \frac{\text{total mass lifted}}{\text{predicted best lift} (\text{body features})},\]where predicted best lift is a function that, given an athlete’s body features, compute its expected best lift. This function should therefore be related to the maximal strength performance an athlete can produce, given its body features. The number of points is then the ratio between its actual lift and this prediction. If this ratio is smaller than one, the athletes underperformed compared to the prediction, while a ratio larger than one should indicate a strong athlete that outperform this prediction. If the quality of the prediction is good enough, then this point system is reasonable enough.
However, the question of the prediction function remains. We first try to answer the following question: given an athlete’s body features, what is the largest reasonable total mass the athlete could have lift?
The more body features we decide to use, the more complicated the formula might end up. We want to find measurable body features with a high predictive power for the performances of the best athletes with those features. A very simple hypothesis that is made by the IPF is that the best an athlete could have lift is a function of its bodyweight only. I will use this hypothesis in the remaining of this post. However, I do think that the height of an athlete is an important feature as well, as it is related to the length of most of the limbs. On the other hand, for high level powerlifting competition, such as the one organized by the IPF, athletes of similar height tends to have a similar physical build as opposed to what can be observed in the general population. In theory, one could try use the body composition measured and computed by a DEXA scan.
Remark: Unfortunately, while it is quite an important body feature on its own, one could only compute a formula for male participants. There were not enough female participants at the king of weighted competition to compute any relevant formula. The reasoning is independent of the sex, but the specific computed number later are expected to be different depending on the sex.
We therefore aim to find a function predicted best lift such that,
\[\text{largest reasonable total lifted mass} = \text{predicted best lift} (\text{bodyweight}) .\]How do we find such a function?
Our model state that the strength of athletes increases with the bodyweight, hence the predicted best lift function should be strictly monotonic increasing.
The IPF suggest the following function,
\[a - b \exp ( -c \times \text{bodyweight}),\]where $a$, $b$, and $c$ are positive coefficients, and $\exp$ is the exponential function.
where $a$, $b$, $c$ and $d$ are coefficients, and $\ln$ is the logarithm function.
To find the coefficients $a$, $b$, and $c$ of the proposed formula, we will rely on the data from the king of weighted competition. The aim of the formula is to compute a reasonable best performance. Therefore, we first compute the considered top-20% athletes and then use those performances to compute the values of the coefficients.
By only using the subset of athletes that are top-performer, we ensure that our function will effectively compute an approximation of the expected best lift of an athlete given its bodyweight. The threshold must be high enough so that we only consider top-performer. However, it should be low enough that we have enough data, represents of almost all bodyweight and that we consider more than the absolute best. Considering only the absolute best would be a mistake as it could diminish the number of points a participants of similar weight would receive because a once-in-a-century athletes has similar features. Hence, the expression reasonable best lift that we used.
To compute the coefficients, we use a technique called regression analysis,
In the following graph, the color of the points is related to the number of points: the bluer, the smaller the number of points, the redder, the higher the number of points. The size and transparency of the points are also related to the number of points: the bigger and darker, the larger the number of points.
The plotted curve does seem like the graph of a descent largest reasonable total lifted mass function. The attributed number of points also does seem to be coherent with the point system we wished to build.
No need to prolong the suspense any longer, according to this point system, the overall winner of the competition is Joel Catena!
With that, we will close this post. Thank you very much for reading up to this point! If you have any remark or question, feel free to reach me, my door is always open!