my calisthenics journey

ongoing calisthenics and gymnastics projects, sometimes at an early stage. Also, some thoughts about moving.

In this page, I will track my progress in the following calisthenics and gymnastics categories: handstand, pull, push, mobility, and gymnastics.

The word calisthenics comes from the ancient Greek words kállos (κάλλος), which means “beauty” and sthenos (σθένος), meaning “strength”. I hope my journey will be both, strong & beautiful (by the way, do you know that this is a song?)

Hopefully, sharing my calisthenics journey will benefit others and will show that, in so many different ways, moving around is a lot of fun!
My journey started in September 2021 and I decided to start analysthenics in September 2022! Starting as an adult has its own benefit and its has been a wonderful experience so far.

2023 goals

Below are some movements, figures and exercices that, at my current level, are reasonable progressions to work toward during the next 6 months.


  • Hold handstand on floor for 45 seconds
  • Straight arm straddle press handstand
  • 45 degree V-sit for 5 seconds
  • pull

  • Straddle back lever for 10 seconds
  • Straddle front lever for 5 seconds
  • Weighted pull up with +35% bodyweight (25 kg)
  • push

  • Tuck planche for 10 seconds
  • Weighted dips +42% bodyweight (30 kg)
  • Overhead press 68% bodyweight (49 kg)
  • mobility

  • Full front split
  • Full lateral splits (both sides)
  • gymnastics

  • Front tucked somersault
  • Back tucked somersault
  • Back handspring
  • Aerial cartwheel (both sides)
  • Press to handstand on parallel bars
  • 180 pirouette on parallel bars